
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

So here it is, my birthday 

So here I am...the big 2-6. And what a day it's been. Breakfast with some great friends from work...even if I did get my wires crossed and make them wait for me for more than an hour. The omelette was good, courtesy of Stella's Diner, and the company was better.

My wife did a stellar job. I came home to streamers and balloons, GREAT local pizza (thank you Twin Trees II), wings, and all sorts of good fattening food that I love. A cake with homemade whipped cream icing topped it off. Very very good. trust me.

And then the gifts...my rockin kids got me two identical stuffed sharks (Bruce from 'Finding Nemo'). Then they "borrowed" them for the rest of the night. Is n't that thoughtful. It's awesome really. My wife got me some funny shirts (I used to have lots of funny t-shirts before I got old and mature) and 5...yes, 5...Toad the Wet Sprocket CD's to replace the ones that I sold or threw out or something. A very good call, helping me recall 1997 like it was yesterday.

So, yes, a great birthday...I'm feeling younger than I have in years! And very very blessed.

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Friday, November 04, 2005

It's History, Stupid. 

Just thinking about the impact history has on us. I think 'recent' history often gets a bad rap. Like with all the re-imagining church stuff...I KNOW - let's compare ourselves to Martin Luther (the new reformation - thankyou wolfgang) or other historical reformers, courageously righting wrongs. But what the heck about your grampa, or your grandpa's neighbor who gave his all to the little church on the hill out of his great love for Jesus. What about serving with his heart? or even serving in the little church on the hill? Not saying I don't see the problems, but come on?!?! We leave out that Luther was hostile to Jewish people. That's not very palpable. WE're all a bunch of screw-ups. Let's give recent history a break.

Elsewhere as well though - a building I work in was an alcohol crisis center for years. It's been gutted, redone as an emergency shelter for the homeless. Some people work there that worked in the old space. and some of the clients served were served in the old place. THe place has history. And that has caused issues (not necessarily horrible issues) but just stuff that comes up .... because it wasn't a clean slate even though it's an entirely different facility inside, with a different staff infrastructure and a different purpose. BUT it has history.

So there.

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