
Tuesday, April 20, 2004

. . .and then a pig ate it 

I'm going to use a nerdy analogy that will absolutely date me. Anyone remember Super Mario Bros. 2 for Nintendo? In this game Luigi is the lousiest character (each character's abilities vary). His goofiest trait is his jump. He jumps really high and his feet keep running while he is in the air...and he takes a little while to com down. anyway. i've felt like we are luigi just before he hits the ground. as if we've been coming down feet running non-stop...almost to the ground...except "bam" ....the ground dissappears from under luigi's feet and he continues to to fall (still moving forward and still moving his feet).

Okay. Lame analogy, I know. The point is that the basis on which we were here has fundamentally changed with the recent events re: Hope. And so we find ourselves very open to a few possibilities. Still, I'm not stressing. I'm not worried. It's the easiest "everything is up in the air" era I've ever been a part of. And I kind of like it.

My wife is incredible. She's the hardest working person I know. She works hard to love me and the boys. She teaches 3 and 4 nights a week. She's disciplined. She's cute. Melissa, I love you.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Like a Child 

I was sitting at the table. Across from me, a two and a three year-old were munching happily on green beans, dipping them in ketchup that was intended for something else.

I turned and looked at my 9 month old son, Cole, as he was shoveling pasta pick-ups into his mouth faster than the older kids. Slowly he raised his head and his eyes locked with mine. A grin spread across his face from ear to ear. He stared at me. In his deep blue eyes I saw innocence, wonder, enthusiasm. spirit. A land with no boundaries, overflowing with possibilities, with hope. My eyes clouded with tears. He laughed. I laughed too and responded to the plight of the two year-old in need of more ketchup.

***Lord, make me like a child. Hopeful. Spirited. Innocent....Brand new. Give me those eyes, lighten my load. I want to stare at You and laugh.***

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Sunday, April 11, 2004


We had a great time friday night eating, playing games, and talking with Cliff and Cheryl. They left around 1 am. It makes it hard to get up for work the next morning, but it was VERY worth it. I hope and pray for many more nights such as that wherever it is that we call home.

I am falling asleep while typing - I need caffeine.

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Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Things I like 

The following is a list of things that I, tim, like.
1. Diet Vanilla Pepsi and Milk. Together. Deal with it.
2. Hassle-free cars - with CD players.
3. Sidewalks.
4. Meat.
5. Parenthetical statements (they do allow you to say much more).
6. Toothbrushing.
7. Interacting with people. I love a crowded house.
8. Eating with friends.
9. Getting drooled on. It's like becoming blood brothers, only it makes me less queesy.
10. Dreaming.

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Friday, April 02, 2004


the following is the bridge from the song in my last post:

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say, Lord, blessed be Your name.

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