
Sunday, June 29, 2003

One more thing . . . no inducing of labor is planned. We're waiting it out. and we had a great time last night playing a new game with some old friends. and we are very excitedly planning a barbecue with a few friends on the 4th.

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More ideas/thoughts spurred by Nouwen:

In creating space in our lives, our schedules may not ease up as much as we'd like and the craziness of life may continue to build - mirroring the crowded city streets and sprawling 4 SUV homes in the suburbs. And yet it is this daily life, this routine, that is the very space we so often aspire too. It's when we begin to see the world anew with different eyes and see not an annoying co-worker, but a child of God, not a rude client, acquaintance, or driver, but someone with a real and tangible life, with real and tangible problems - someone who knows exactly where they are going - or perhaps has no clue. And taking moments in these "spaces" to revel in God's creation, to pray for forgiveness, but most of all to love others with a love that only comes from somewhere else - because it certainly isn't in us. Space is created when we stop looking to the future and start living a life of love now.

I hope to no longer say these words "I need a vacation." If you read this and you encounter me somewhere and I do say such a thing, please, with my permission, punch me in the nose. Thank you.

Phil has some great stuff up today. check it out.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2003

5 things:

1. Most influential person in my life: my Pa Paw - my son is named after him.

2. Best book I've read: Resident Aliens

3. Favorite espresso beverage: Double tall sugar-free vanilla mocha

4. First car I "owned": 1976 Ford Elite (the "Elite" version of the Gran Turino)

5. Worst car I "owned": 1976 Ford Pinto station wagon - baby blue. sweet.

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Monday, June 23, 2003

Greg has me thinking about community and simple churches again. I think a key to sharing our lives is to allow empty spaces. Nouwen speaks about this in the book I'm reading (Turn my Mourning into Dancing). He talks about NYC and how every available space is filled...built high and wide. This is a reflection of our lives - full to the brim. Whether it's soccer or work or simply tv talk shows we are convinced that we must always be busy. It's a sign of success and importance. And it keeps us from dealing with our own garbage. Nouwen proposes that we need to create empty space, space that God can fill in our lives, so that His love, power, and stuff can flow through us...so that grace, hope, the kingdom of God can break through. I may just have to quote him later.

for what it's worth.

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Thursday, June 19, 2003

Here's a picture of my family from my graduation ceremony. Ah, the foothills of the bluegrass state!

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Wednesday, June 18, 2003

My blood pressure is down thanks to medication. Melissa is possibly being induced a week early - possibly the fourth of July.

That's the news. I'm working to add more rhythm to my life and my family life. Not only does it help with the stress thing, it allows me to enjoy time with God. It's just good stuff.

Gonna go eat with the family now.

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Sunday, June 15, 2003

A blog of substance, perhaps? We'll see. Actually, I thought I would take a page out of Alan's book...

5 things you most likely don't know about me:
1. I once owned more than 25 pairs of polyester pants.
2. I look exactly like my father.
3. Both of my parents have B.S. in Instrumental Music Education. Neither of them are using their degrees.
4. My childhood home was once infested with rats (cat-size rats - it's a long story, maybe I'll share it some time).
5. Boxers. Enough said. (edited for your viewing pleasure).

There ya go.

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Thursday, June 12, 2003

my comments keep dissappearing and reappearing...anyone know anything about this? please post it in the comment section (if there is a comment section).

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Monday, June 09, 2003

I went to the doctor for my allergies. Guess what? I have high blood pressure. 170/110 - like, through the roof blood pressure. I'm 23 years old. My doctor is medicating me. :-) It'll be okay, I'm sure. Just thought I would share.

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Sunday, June 01, 2003

Oh...and I bought three books by Nouwen today. :-)

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Sure, I have a lot of profound things to say...but not today.

I'm sitting on a lot of graduation gift money (currently holding off on actually spending it...it may be needed for food or rent). Should I find myself in a position to indulge here is my dilemma....I want a new computer. I have this burning desire to be able to make short movies at home. The dilemma: PC or Mac? Macs look a bit more expensive and I'm not all that familiar with them for everyday tasks. But I LOVE imovie. They come ready to use with video editing software that is powerful and user friendly and firewire ports to boot. But would I tire of a mac for daily tasks like e-mail and word processing. Will I grow frustrated with AppleWorks and long for MS Office? I'm not sure. And then there is the power issue. I could get a sweet emac (the old school all in one CRT monitor/CPU) - 1 GHZ 512 Meg Ram Warranty and all with a few extras for $1600. OR I could get a sweetP4 2.6 GHZ 512 M Ram PC with 15" flat screen monitor for around the same price. But will I be satisfied with Windows Movie Maker? Or will I end up buying more software?

My wife has been sitting on her graduation cash for over a year now and is planning a lap top purchase. This makes a lot of sense as we can use this in our housing situation this fall (probably living in someone's basement) without the burden of a desktop. Also, she can use this as a teacher when she begins her career. Does it make any sense to have a PC laptop and a Mac Desktop? Anyone with cross platform experience out there? I love editing video on a mac. I like my daily routine on a PC. I don't want the added expense of putting windows on my mac. What to do. Of course, I don't plan on making such a purchase for months if not a year so there's no rush. But I welcome comments and thoughts...

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